You are a content writer, a content strategist, or a full-time freelance blogger.
A blogger or a content writer loses hope many times during his journey. The slog is difficult to endure. Bloggers could face hard things, and if they do not have mindfulness they might fail to manage hard things.
What makes a thing hard to manage? Our interpretations and our responses to them.
Bloggers can extract some awareness from an economic crisis. what happens during national emergencies such as economic depression?
People contract. During economic contraction, people are convinced to reduce, safe, be careful, and cautious.
This mindset of self-preservation and protection helps in survival but fails to thrive.
Similarly, bloggers start to contract when they do not see instant gratification. From launching to establishing a successful blog takes time, and during this slog, bloggers may feel as if they are under economical depression. They start to contract and many even stop blogging.
Counter to contraction is expansion. Bloggers should expand. when the majority of the bloggers live in contraction, a small percentage of bloggers expand and they capitalize.
Contracting is an expression of retreat. It violates the potential to expand, which demands that you continue to act, produce and create in massive quantities regardless of the situation or circumstances.
When people around you are taking proactive measures it may sound counterintuitive to expand.
Bloggers’ relentlessness is the key. Regardless of what is happening in the world at any given time, the majority of people are missing massive action. Certainly, there are times when you must defend, retreat and converse. But such retreats should be of shorter duration — The duration to acquire strength, reinforce, attack with momentum.
Bloggers should never contract or push back as successful blogging requires continued business efforts. Although we frequently seem to hear reports of blogs that failed, the case for many of them probably wasn’t so simple. The blog and content writers fail when they could not endure the slog and they do not have a clear action plan with a deadline to make domination in their niche. Initial growth is slow and looks like a linear, but you are on an exponential curve.

The idea of constant, steadfast expansion is counterintuitive and even obnoxious; however, it will separate you from the rest of the crowd more than any other single activity. The task of expanding when others are shrinking should not be reduced to some oversimplified concept. This is very difficult training to apply in the real world.
Bloggers must implement the tactic of expansion regardless of whether the current circumstances and those surrounding them encourage them to do so. I say this because we live in a world that promotes contraction most of the time, and when it does support expansion, it is typically too late in the timeline.
The advice of contraction should serve as an indicator for you to do the contrary. You never want to blindly follow the advice from the meeks. They are almost always wrong. Instead of following the crowd lead your course. The way out is to expand, push, and take action—regardless of the reality of the others.
Dominate your niche:
Once you conquer the slog and start getting traction, a point where you should not get satisfied but keep on adding wood to your fire until you start either a bushfire or a bonfire — or burn the place down. To rest is to rust. Don’t rest or do not stop.
I learned this the hard way after achieving a lot of success and then resting on my laurels. This is a commonly made mistake. Do not do it! Keep stacking wood until the fire is so hot and burns so brightly that not even competitors or market changes can put your fire out. Your fire has to continue to be stoked, and that means more wood, more fuel, and in your case, more actions.
Once you start operating like this, it will
become almost second nature to continue—because you are going to be winning. It’s easiest and most natural to continue taking massive actions when you are
winning—and winning is only possible with massive actions.
Yet once you get into the groove of making it your innate method of responding, the ability to continuously, relentlessly attack any activity will give way to forward movement.
Any disagreement with this comes because most people only attack to the point where they meet resistance — and then back off. It’s kind of like challenging the schoolyard bully and then running away; it always turns out badly.
If you approach trials in this way, the market, your clients, and your competition will not believe that you’re committed to a persistent attack. Therefore, they will threaten or criticize you—and you will back off. You’ll figure that it didn’t work—but the only reason why it didn’t work is that you didn’t stick with it long enough for the market, your clients, and your competition to finally submit to your efforts. Repeated attacks over extended periods will always be successful.